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Personal Insight Into Public Speaking

Public Speaking. There, I said it. Public Speaking. I said it again. Don't you LOVE to speak in public? Some do. But most don't. Why? Because it's nerve racking!!! It makes us feel uncomfortable. It's the Number #1 Fear people have. It actually trumps death! This factoid prompted Seinfeld to say... "That means people would rather be 'in the coffin' than 'giving the eulogy'!"

I know! That was me! As a young boy, at school, I was asked to speak to my classmates. I tried, but it didn't go so well. My classmates laughed at me. I was embarrassed.

In college I took a class in public speaking. Unfortunately, it was more about writing than it was about human behavior. I learned that being prepared was important, but what I didn't learn was how to solve the real problem.

I played football at The College of William and Mary. On Wednesday nights during the season, select players were asked to go to 'The Quarterback Club,' a group of local alumni, business professionals and other W&M Football enthusiasts. I can remember the discomfort I experienced when we were asked questions by the members.

After I graduated from college I was asked to do the color commentary for WMBG, the William & Mary Football Network. Needing cash, I accepted. The athletic director and I both thought this might be a good fit. It wasn't. The anxiety I experienced being 'on air' with potentially thousands of listeners took its toll. I lasted one game.

I kept asking myself..."What's wrong with me?" I knew I had a problem, but I didn't know how to solve it. I decided I needed to 'face the tiger.' So, I cashed in an IRA and invested in a corporate training business. I did it for one year. I didn't make much money, but I really enjoyed facilitating the programs. Sharing with people valuable information that they could use to be more effective helped me become more effective. So essentially, by helping other people, I got the help I needed.

There's a saying... "A teacher always teaches what he or she needs to learn the most."

That was 29 years ago. Poof!  I'm fortunate to be able to do what I love to do for a career. Seeing participants literally transform themselves in a relatively short period of time is tremendously fulfilling. My gift is in the giving.

So, do you sometimes get butterflies when you have to speak in public? Here's a little golden nugget. "Nerves come from an inappropriate direction of focus. "Nerves come from focusing on yourself. That's right, the butler did it... and you're the butler!

Here's my close. If you or someone you know is looking for an experienced and empathetic communication coach to help them get the butterflies to 'fly in formation', please visit our website and/or call me directly at 843.301.1768.


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