Trivium Performance

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Learning To Be Thankful

I read an article the other day that talked about the likely probability that a fourth dimension, one we never knew existed, in fact does. Is it also possible that we can alter our outcomes in life by increasing our awareness of where our attention is, at all times? Just an idea, postulated.

If it was possible to manifest good 'particles' in to our life, that would be a breakthrough, a 'big idea' and one that could literally transform our lives. Not easy to get our arms around initially, but... with a bit of openness, willingness, and persistence, we might find a recipe for success. If it was possible, do you think this would be a 'game changer'? I do.

What have we got to lose? Time? Energy? Not much relatively speaking, to possibly uncover a secret that could literally change our lives forever.

So, here's my challenge. To you and to me too. Let's test this 'theory' together and report back. Let's choose to look upon everything that happens in our lives as positive, as 'learning opportunities', as lessons that help us. Sometimes immediately, sometimes down the road. But 'Learning To Be Thankful' for everything life presents to us.

At the end of the day, we all have choices. We can bemoan our circumstances, our challenges, our relationships, our situation. But the question remains, does that serve us? Or does that make us a prisoner of our own making? I'm suggesting 'the way out is through.' The way out is 'appreciation'. The way out is thankfulness. Being grateful for everything we are experiencing, every breath we take and every mistake we make.

I hope and pray that your Thanksgiving is the most meaningful one you have ever had. No matter what your consequences.

Let me know how it goes!

Scott 843.301.1768