Trivium Performance

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Working Smarter

We’ve all heard the saying “Work smarter, not harder”, but when it comes to marketing, we may not be tapping age old, agency intelligence 101, ‘know your audience’. We often leap right in to what ‘we want to say.’

The most successful marketing efforts have the earmarks of a healthy submersion into who the target audience really is, what they want, what they don’t want, what makes them do backflips, what we know to be true, what is the audiences’ demographic, and the list goes on and on.

While this approach makes TOTAL sense, sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. We HAVE to tell them what WE want to say.

STOP. Before you do anything, do a thorough Assessment of Your Audience. You AND your audience will be glad you did.

Let me know how it goes. I love success stories.



Scott T. Hays
Founder and CEO, Trivium Performance