The Cambridge English Dictionary defines appreciation as : 1. the act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as described: 2. increase in price, value, etc.
I often use the word appreciation when communicating with my clients as well as my family and friends. I do it judiciously. I choose to use this word because it has positive connotations. Whether it's used in a financial context or in a personal context, it's positive.
It's not done to manipulate people. I do it to compliment people, to honor people. I do it because I'm sincerely thankful for the time, energy, input, effort or assistance people provide.
Good leaders know that their people need to be recognized when they do something good. They know that people thrive on positive reinforcement. That's not to say that we don't offer up some 'areas for improvement' from time to time as well. I have a philosophy I refer to as 'cheerful, repeated, coaching.' The hard part is the 'cheerful' part!
Life is not always easy. We all have been in tough situations. We all have endured life challenges and we can all be thankful for the help others have provided.
It doesn't cost anything. Not a penny. It just takes a small degree of willingness coupled with a healthy dose of humility to simply say 'thank you.'
So, now is a great time for all of us to reflect, to take note, to look around, and think about the people we value, the people we appreciate, and make a conscious decision to support the people we depend on.
They will appreciate it!
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