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Scott Hays Scott Hays

WINS, LOSSES, AND LESSONS, Lou Holtz, An Autobiography

This is an article reflecting on my times spent with Lou Holtz; his humility, his wisdom and his humor.

Lou Holtz and I met years ago for the first time. He came to my high school to personally speak with me. I had been recruited by NC State, where Lou was the head coach at the time. Lou was cordial as he informed me that he was not able to offer me a football scholarship. He informed me that the scholarship limit had been significantly reduced by the NCAA and they typically recruited quarterbacks as they tended to be the best athletes. If they didn't make it as a quarterback they would try them as offensive backs, and if they didn't make it as offensive backs, they would make them defensive backs. I was a defensive back.

Years later, I was asked to deliver a presentation to a group in Boston, MA. The night before, they had a dinner for a select group. I was invited to attend and had the opportunity to sit at a designated table for speakers and guests. Lou was the guest speaker for the dinner. I reminded him of our meeting years before at my high school.

Lou was also invited to speak at a College of William and Mary Football Alumni Dinner a number of years ago which I attended.

He is a remarkable human being, he was a legendary coach and a fabulous communicator, lisp and all. My most favorite quote is from his book Wins, Losses and Lessons. His comments related to work. He said something along these lines, "If you want to be happy in life you only need to do three things.

First, you have to find something you love to do.

Second, you have to find something that you're good at.

Lastly, you need to find someone who will pay you to do, what you love to do, that you're good at.

He goes on to say that he loves to eat Snickers Bars, and he's pretty darn good at it. But, he can't find anyone that will pay him to eat them!"

Vintage Lou Holtz.

Here's the bottom line. Life is short. Find something you love to do. Because you love doing it, it isn't work, it's play, and you will be better at it than anyone, because you are pouring your entire heart and soul in to it.

To all of my clients, I would like to say 'thank you' for giving me the privilege of sharing what I love to do, with you.

If you need to reach me. Just call. 843.301.1768


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