Years ago, I was in Chicago, about to commence my first Message Consulting | Team Project with a client. I approached the women sitting behind the central reception area. I greeted her with pleasantries and we began a short conversation. Then I noticed something. It was a small picture on the inside of her work area. It read...
’Change is Good. You go first!’ I will never forget that moment, nor the tremendous meaning behind it, and the lesson it teaches us.

Change is often good. Not always, but often. When change occurs, we see things in a new way, from a different perspective, often times a better way, a clearer way. The change opens up our minds, it liberates us from the mundane, the repetitive, the traditional, and often times, the now purposeless or even inappropriate past.

However, because it’s different, we experience discomfort. It’s unfamiliar territory. At times, it can threaten what we’ve done before, and the righteousness of our past behavior. It can make us feel ‘less than.’  It can ‘make us wrong,’ and we don’t like to be wrong, ever, do we?

We are all guilty of hanging on to ‘what we know’ longer than we should sometimes. We choose to hang on to ‘what we’ve always done’ in lieu of venturing out in to the unknown,  uncharted terrain, and taking a risk. Why?  Because we don’t want to fail. We don’t want to be embarrassed, we don’t want to look stupid, we don’t want to be ridiculed, and we don’t want to lose.

So, let’s look closely at this dynamic. We let our fear of failure prevent us from learning, from growing and possibly enjoying greater success. We should take a page from Thomas Edison’s book. “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

If you believe that change is in order for you or your team, here’s a recommendation. Take it slow. Make small modifications, take gradient steps outside of your comfort zone. Gather new information, new insight, as you stretch. Before long, you’ll experience personal growth and professional growth in leaps and bounds.

If you or your team is in need of some healthy 'Change', that's Good! Be one of the First to visit our new website www.triviumperformance.com then give us a call at 843.301.1768.

#EnvelopeExpansion #Change #ChangeIsGood #FearOfFailure #TakingRisks #ComfortZone #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalGrowth #Presentations #PresentationSkillsTraining #CommunicationSkillsTraining #EffectiveCommunication #ExecutiveCoaching

Scott Hays

Founder and CEO, Trivium Performance


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